Grand Dragon Lotaria apoio FC Power iha Liga 30 de Agostu
Grand Dragon Lotaria apoio FC Power hodi kompete iha Liga 30 de Agostu ne’ebe sei realiza iha tempu ne’ebe besik hodi comemora Referendum ba dala 25.
Grand Dragon support FC Power
Grand Dragon Lotaria sponsors FC Power to compete in the league of 30 August which celebrates the 25th anniversary of the referendum.
Appreciation from TLNOG
A big thank you to TLNOG for inviting us to be a platinum sponsor of their event! We’re excited to be part of the Timor Leste community and contribute to the growth of telecommunications in the region. Let’s work together to build a
GD Lotaria is the sponsor for TLNOG
GD Lotaria, one of the proud sponsors of Timor-Leste NOG (Network Operators’ Group), is committed to building a better environment and enhancing the telecommunication landscape in the region. As a key player in the industry, GD Lotaria collaborates closely with the TLNOG team
Ativiadade Auditoria Grand Dragon Lotaria
Grand Dragon Lotaria hetan vijita inspesaun husi Unidade Auditoria Interna ba Segundu Fase iha Edifisiu Grand Dragon Lotaria
Inspection in Grand Dragon Lotaria
Grand Dragon Lotaria was visited by the Inpection Team from Internal Auditorial Unit for the second phase in Grand Dragon Lotarai Head Quarter