Sponsor ba Liga Tenis Open Bali
Liga Tennis Open Bali nu’udar eventu dinámiku ida ne’ebé ho objetivu atu hasa’e popularidade tenis iha Bali no promove ambiente kompetitivu ida ba atór lokál no internasionál sira. Ninia objetivu mak atu haluan liu fali kompetisaun, serve hanesan plataforma ida atu hatudu
Sponsorship for Liga Tennis Open Bali
The Liga Tennis Open Bali is a dynamic event aimed at elevating the popularity of tennis in Bali and fostering a competitive environment for both local and international players. Its purpose extends beyond competition, serving as a platform to showcase talents, encourage
Our Jackpot is now more than USD 8 million
Our Jackpot is now more than USD 8 million. With only USD1; you can have a chance to fulfill your dream
Appreciation from TLNOG
A big thank you to TLNOG for inviting us to be a platinum sponsor of their event! We’re excited to be part of the Timor Leste community and contribute to the growth of telecommunications in the region. Let’s work together to build a
GD Lotaria is the sponsor for TLNOG
GD Lotaria, one of the proud sponsors of Timor-Leste NOG (Network Operators’ Group), is committed to building a better environment and enhancing the telecommunication landscape in the region. As a key player in the industry, GD Lotaria collaborates closely with the TLNOG team
GD Lotaria Sponsored Taekwondo Team Won Second Prize
Grand Dragon Lotaria proudly sponsored the Taekwondo team for their recent journey to Kupang, Indonesia. As part of their corporate social responsibility, the company aimed to support and promote young athletes in their pursuit of excellence. The sponsorship included financial support, training resources,
Audit Activity of the Inspector General of Gambling Team at the Grand Dragon Lottery Building
The Inspector General of Gambling Team recently conducted an audit at the Grand Dragon Lottery building. This audit was meticulously directed by Mr. Jose Miranda da Cunha and was overseen by the Executive Director of Grand Dragon Lottery, Mr. Maximiliano Piedade. The objective
Introducing the NEW A-M Bonus Jackpot
We are excited to introduce the NEW A-M Bonus Jackpot, launching on 1st August 2024! Our aim is to provide more chances for everyone to win and ensure equal opportunities across all positions. To achieve this, we will be rotating the Jackpot position
Colaborasaun GD Lotaria ho RTTL halo transmisaun EURO2024
Nu’udar entuziazmu Futebol nian sira hein ho laran haksolok katak Kampiaun UEFA Europeia, ne’ebé baibain temi nu’udar Copa do Euro ho istória ne’ebé riku liu tinan 60, turnamentu ne’e kaptura ona ema rihun ba rihun nia laran, hodi hatudu talentu di’ak liu iha