11 6 winners won USD 2,248,091.56 !
Congratulations to our Jackpot winner! We are thrilled to announce that the lucky number 5270 has won the second prize. But that’s not all – this time, we have an extraordinary jackpot prize to be shared among 116 winners. The total amount payable
Asina akordu Grand Dragon Lotaria no Telemor Mosan
Ohin loron Grand Dragon Lotaria asina akordu parserial ho Telemor Mosan, husi CEO Grand Dragon Lotaria Datuk Harry no Diretor Telemor Mrs. Phung Trung Dung. Notisia feliz ba klientes Grand Dragon Lotaria tanba bele sosa ka joga direita ona iha Mosan. Objetivu parserial
What’s Your Lucky Number in 2023
Hanesan CNY atu besik ona, mai ita koko ita nia sorte ho GDLotaria. Ita nia númeru sorte tinan ida ne’e saida? Tinan nee, ami mai ho Ita nia númeru sorte. Buat ne’ebé ita presiza atu tau mak ita nia idade no númeru sinál
Grand Dragon Lotaria Off Road Racing Team
Grand Dragon Lotaria Off Road Racing Team kompete iha eventu Soe Off Road 2022 ne’ebe realiza iha dia 9-11 de Dezembru 2022. Iha eventu refere Grand Dragon Lotaria Off Road Racing Team kompete iha Class FFA (Free For All) no Class Under 2500
Publikasaun ba eventu Grand Dragon Taekwondo Championship 2022
Iha conferencia de imprensa ne’e rasik CEO Grand Dragon Lotaria no Klubu Dojang Koni-TLS anunsiu ba publiku kona ba eventu Grand Dragon Taekwondo Championship 2022 Eventu refere sei realiza iha Ginajio Desporto Dili (Eis GMT) iha loron 2-3 fulan Dezembru 2022 ne’ebe sei
Lansamentu foun ba 6+1D nian komesa tiha ona.
Labele hein tan! Ami kontente atu anunsia katak ami nia bola/numeru 6 + 1D atuál ne’ebe putar no rezultadu fo sai semana-semana sei muda fali ba lor-loron. Ho ida-nee, ami sei fó oportunidade barak liután ba Ita boot sira atu manán JACKPOT GRATUITU
Our Weekly 6+1D Jackpot will be daily starting from 3rd October 2022
We have GOOD NEWS to share! Our 6+1D Jackpot will be opening daily starting from 3rd October 2022 onwards. Checkout the video and what surprise we are bringing you! #granddragonlotaria #gdlotto #timorleste #gdtimorleste #granddragontimorleste #4dtimor #granddragondili #1dollar1dream #granddragonlotto #dolar1mehi1
Atividade Inspesaun
Atividade Inspesaun hala’o husi Ekipa Inpesaun Geral do Jogo (IGJ) akompanha mos husi Diretor Ezekutivu REDSTAR GLOBAL TIMOR LDA (Grand Dragon Lotaria) Sr. Maximiliano Piedade. Inspesaun refere hala’o iha fatin 4: Fatuhada – Agent Center (AC) Surikmas Gang 45 – Agent Center (AC)
Atividade Inspesaun husi Ekipa IGJ
Atividade Inspesaun hala’o husi Ekipa Inpesaun Geral do Jogo (IGJ) akonpanha mos husi Diretor Ezekutivu REDSTAR GLOBAL TIMOR LDA (Grand Dragon Lotaria) Sr. Maximiliano Piedade. Inspesaun refere hala’o iha fatin 3 mak : Terminal Becora, Clack Fuik no Kulu-hun Centro. #granddragondili #gdtimorleste #dolar1mehi1
Conferencia de imprensa 17/08/2022
Conferencia de Imprensa Grand Dragon Lotaria no Dream Event Creative (DEC) kolabora hodi realiza event “DJ Festival Timor-Leste 2022”