Grand Dragon Off Road Racing Team sai manan nain ba International Class FFA
Grand Dragon Lotaria Off Road Racing Team partisipa “First Off Road Racing Team 2023” ganha ona medalha tuir mai nee: Grand Dragon Off Road Racing Tean saiSegundo Melhor Equipa Off-roader Toni LopesPrimeiro Lugar “Class International Free For All (FFA)”Segundo Lugar “Class International Upper”
Grand Dragon Lotaria Off-road Racing Team sei kompete iha eventu Off-road iha Timor-Leste
Conferência de Imprensa Grand Dragon Lotaria Off-road Racing Team Dia 2-3 Setembro 2023 sei ‘1st Off-road event in Timor-Leste’ ne’ebe sei realiza iha Tasi-tolu no sei kompete husi klubu 10 husi Indonésia, klubu 6 husi Timor-Leste no klubu 1 husi Austrália. Grand Dragon
Copa Futsal Componente Terrestre Baucau 2023
Conferensia de Imprensa Copa Futsal Componente Terrestre Baucau 2023 Atividade conferensia de Imprensa ne’e hala’o iha Edifisiu Grand Dragon Lotaria no partisipa husi Major Martins no estrutura, Reprezentante kompania Metrolink Sr. Giovanio Costa no Diretor Ezecutivu Redstar Global Timor Sr. Maximiliano Piedade. Grand
Grand Launching Mosan ho Grand Dragon Lotaria
Grand Launching Mosan ho Grand Dragon Lotaria Serimonia Grand Launching realiza iha edifisiu Grand Dragon Lotaria no partisipa husi Kiente Mosan no Grand Dragon Lotaria, Diretor Ezecutivu no Grupu CEO. Iha serimonia refere CEO Datuk Harry hatete katak: Obrigadu no Agradese ba IGJ
Obrigado Heroi Desportu Timor-Leste
Serimonia fahe premio ba Atleta, Treinador no Ofisial sira ne’ebe mak manan ona iha eventu internasional Sea Games Cambodia 2023 ho tema ‘OBRIGADO HEROI DESPORTU TIMOR-LESTE’ Relasiona ho eventu internasional Sea Games Cambodia 2023 ba dala 31 Timor-Leste mos partisipa iha eventu refere
Manan na’in 116 hetan $2,248,091.28
Parabéns ba ami nia manan nain Jackpot nian! Ami kontente atu anunsia katak numeru sorteiu 5270 manán prémiu segundu. Maibé laos iha tempu ne’e deit, ita iha prémiu ida-ne’ebé estraordináriu atu fahe ba manan-nain na’in 116. Montante totál ne’ebé selu mak $2,248,091.28, ne’ebé
11 6 winners won USD 2,248,091.56 !
Congratulations to our Jackpot winner! We are thrilled to announce that the lucky number 5270 has won the second prize. But that’s not all – this time, we have an extraordinary jackpot prize to be shared among 116 winners. The total amount payable
Grand Dragon Congratula ba Atleta Taekwondo nain 4 ne’ebe oferese ona medalha osan hetan 4 ba iha Timor-Leste
Grand Dragon Lotaria hakarak Congratula ba Atleta Taekwondo nain 4 ne’ebe mak konsege hetan ona medalaha osan metan 4 iha Sea Games Cambodia 2023. Parabens ba Ekipa Taekwondo Timor-Leste liu husi Federasaun Taekwondo Timor-Leste, Treinador Internasional Taekwondo Timor-Leste Master Kim, Treinador Nasional Sr.
Grand Dragon congratula ba Boxista Timor-Leste ne’ebe mak hetan medalha iha Sea Games 2023 Cambodia
Grand Dragon Lotaria congratula hakarak congratula ba Boxista Timor-Leste nain rua ne’ebe mak hetan medalha osan metan iha Sea Games 2023 Cambodia. Boxista nain rua Delio Mozinho no Edegar Foe Quintas ne’ebe mak hetan ona Medalha Osan metan. Previlejiu ida mai ita nia
Boxista Timor-Leste try out iha Kupang hodi halo Preparasaun ba Sea Games Cambodia 2023
Boxista Timor-Leste nain 6 ne’ebe selesionadu ba Sea Games Cambodia 2023 halo try out iha Kupang-NTT hodi halo preparasaun ba Sea Games Cambodia 2023 ne’ebe mak sei hala’o iha Fulan Maio tinan ne’e. Atleta sira ne’e hala’o viajen iha dia 18/03/2023 no iha